a look back at 2013 as we celebrate a new beginning

2013 was a pretty fantastic year. Millie continues to grow into this amazing and beautiful little girl, we celebrated our 3rd anniversary along with many other anniversaries and birthdays (including Amelia’s 1st!), and we even welcomed a new nephew into the family. To start off the year, I decided to make a giant to-do list instead of making a list of resolutions. My thought behind this would be a project for every month, some being more involved than others, that we would use as motivation to get some stuff done around the house. Taking a peek at that list now makes me laugh. I might have been a little bit lofty in what I thought we could accomplish in a year between both of our jobs (that only leave us with maybe 4 days off together a month and mostly opposite schedules) and a toddler.

Things we did get done? Build and hang a shelf on our “mud room” wall (I did specify that I wanted a bench built as well…but I’m still going to check this one off), landscape the front yard (which really just involved planting flowers, adding mulch and just generally cleaning up a bit), cleaning and organizing the laundry room (which was done at the beginning of the year and is a complete disaster again) and hanging curtains in the living room/master bedroom (curtains in the living room-check, other random window in living room and master bedroom-no check). Things we didn’t get done? Ha! Too much, that’s for sure. Cleaning the gutters? No. Frame the outside of the front door? No. Paint the hallway and the back door? Nope. Finish craft room/office? Nada. And so many more things I can’t even remember right now.

To be fair, I did start a few projects that took up a lot of time and resources so I’m counting my 2013 to-do list as a win. Rip out old floor and install new flooring and baseboards? Win. Mini half bath makeover? Double Win. We still have a long way to go and a lot of trips to Goodwill to make, but we are getting there. In the spirit of the New Year and because I am a list kind of girl, I decided to carry this over to 2014. This year, I’m going to choose one big makeover project (money vs. time-consuming) and other small things that desperately need to be done. That being said, here is our new to-do list for 2014! I’m looking at you, Sean. 🙂

1. Big Project – Kitchen: Paint cabinets,install new light and take down the weird scroll over kitchen sink, possibly install a new backsplash and make a new farmhouse style table. My Pinterest board is BLOWING UP ya’ll.

2: Clean the gutters. Aka…hire someone to clean the gutters. Anyone have suggestions in the Omaha area?

3. Clean and organize the garage. Seriously. I’m looking at you, husband!

4. Take out bushes under the deck and against the back fence. Plant something prettier. I’m sure those are the technical terms for both of those things.

5. Give the backyard a little face lift. By this, I mean at least make an attempt to water the lawn.

6. Fill cracks around the house (generally find out how that damn snake got in!!).

7. Create a craft room/playroom/office. *Already started!*

8. Donate extra crap to Goodwill. No matter how many trips it takes.

9. Install new light in downstairs hallway and master bedroom.

10. Fix the garage door. Or, should I say, hire a professional to fix the garage door.

11.Give the house a little curb appeal. I’m still deciding what exactly this means.

12. Choose your own adventure! Or really, anything random that comes up throughout the year that either needs to be fixed or I get a crazy idea about.

We’ll see how this goes. I have a burr up my backside to get a ton of stuff done now, but I’m sure that will fade before long. Here’s to a fun new year!!

Object of my affection

Meet the new object of my home owner affection…

(please ignore the dirty house that is in desperate need of a power washing and the random cables that are attached to the front of the house…I can’t wait to get rid of those!)

I am so in love with this tree, the delicate white flowers are so beautiful! Doesn’t the beautiful weather make a perfect backdrop? One of the first things I said to Sean when we bought this house was that I wanted to plant a flowering tree and a blue spruce.  Well, apparently we had this all along and I didn’t know it so I can go ahead and check one of those off of my list! Nothing says springtime to me like budding trees and flowers sprouting from the ground and this is the perfect combination. It’s giving me itchy fingers to get outside and get some lawn work done.

Speaking of itchy fingers… the nesting bug has officially bitten and I have my sleeves rolled up and windows wide open while I clean and organize the master bedroom. What I really want to do is get into the nursery and get started, but alas, there is still much work to be done in there so this is the next best thing. Enjoy the beautiful day, my friends!